Are eyes and mouth related?
2월 1, 2023International Insurance covering OSTEO: AXA, Cigna, GMC, CFE, Aetna, GEO BLUE, Allianz, Bupa, AVIVA, PRUHEALTH, etc
2월 1, 2023
Dr. Brendan Stack!
Dr. Brendan Stack, as an orthodontist, has done a lot of work on the treatment of the jaw joint. I admire everything he has done. When I review his treatment, it is very similar to my treatment. If there is a difference, I use the pivot to increase the movement of the sphenoid, temporal, and occipital bone when raising the posterior pivot, and use MCB/L and MCB/H to keep the lower jaw in this position and remake every 10 minutes or one hour to use.
Another important difference is that the MCB splint is 0.05mm-0.1mm, which changes according to the anteroposterior, left and right positions and height of the lower jaw. This is similar to the changes in osteopathy.
